
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

THANKS!!! Annalisa for the HAPPINESS!!! AWARD and Don't Forget to ENTER My GREAT!!! Giveaway

Now, here's award rules: Copy the award image in your post. Then, list 10 things that make you happy and tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day. For those 10 bloggers who get the award, you must link back to my blog. Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award and notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

10 things that make me happy!!!

1. One of my favorite places in the whole world is the kitchen.

2. Reading cookbooks and learning NEW!!! recipes that my family and friends ENJOY!!!

3. I'm a native of New Mexico.

4. I love to garden! Can't wait for the weather to warm up.

5. Creating NEW!!! and YUMMY!!! recipes.

6. The smiles of my grand-daughters.

One smile from them on a rainy day takes all the clouds away. They're are my sunshine on a rainy day.

7. I really hate making breakfast, so my husband usually helps me on Sundays. I love cooking with him.

8. Hate washing dishes, thank God for dishwasher.

9. Beading: making rosaries and jewelry.

10. Laughing and having fun with family and friends. These are memories that will last a lifetime.

I am sharing this AWESOME!!! award with the following blogging friends:

Go visit:

Arlene @ The Food Of Love!

Christina @ Dinner at Christina's!

Justina @ Stupid Is As Sister Does!

Julie @ Three Against One!

Chelsey @ Scrap Happy Chelsey!

Ashley @ The Happy Little Home!

Patti @ Patti's Pantry!

Katie @ Katie's Kitchen!

Marsha @ Taste and See God's Goodness!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life!

The BEST!!! part of blogging is all the WONDERFUL!!! people that love sharing recipes and ideas. I just want to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of you.


  1. Congrats on ur happy award for a happy u...and yeah ur clam chowder sounds so so delicious dear sweetie Geri....

  2. Kudos on receiving this happy award. Loved prowling around your blog and learning more about you, Geri. Thanks for passing on the award. I'll try to post asap. See you soon.

  3. Thank you SO MUCH for this sweet award! I am so happy that you stopped by my blog. Please do visit often. I have challenged myself to complete 100 NEW recipes in 2010, so i am posting yummy things several times each week! I will certainly be visiting you often too! Looks like you have some great recipes to share! Thanks again! Take Care!

  4. Dear Geri,
    thank you so much for your lovely're truly a great friend, and I simply love your blog and all the recipes you post!
    hugs and kisses
    Annalisa@cooking easy

  5. Geri,
    congrats on recieving the Happiness Award and thank you so much for passing this sweet award on to me!


  6. Thank you for this award! This is my first blog award and I'm excited! That was really sweet of you. :)
